Willow Hill Executive Center
550 W. Frontage Rd., Ste. 2810
Northfield, IL 60093

Teenagers: What to Do When They Drive You Crazy
We all have moments when our children drive us CRAZY. This workshop will include a stimulating lecture and discussion about how children behave at certain age levels and how parents can effectively discipline children and still maintain a positive and nurturing relationship with them.
This workshop will include a discussion about the following issues:
Parents will learn the three words that will immediately improve relationships with their children
Normal vs. pathological behavior in children ADD/ADHD, depression anxiety, conduct disorders and how to view these disorders through a different lens
Strategies for parents to maintain a strong and nurturing bond with their children while maintaining discipline
Strategies to help parents keep themselves centered on maintaining a productive adult personal life while remaining an effective parent
Time will be allowed for an interactive discussion of the issues.